I absolutely hate when I can see in pictures my foundation line. Whether I haven't completely blended it in or it's just the wrong foundation, I have definitely fallen victim to both.
The Process:
First a Sephora consultant takes a little bit of makeup off your forehead, side of your face and neck to get a precise formula number. Then they place the Color IQ machine on each makeup free area.
Once they've calculate your formula number the computer then sorts through all of the makeup lines that that they carry and displays your skintone matches.
My skintone number was 3Y05 and Make Up Forever, NARS and DIOR were just a few of my matches.
The Color IQ machine is so fantastic that lets just say that you went on vacation and got a great tan. If you were to go into Sephora and had them match you with the machine it would tell you the exact match for your skin at that very moment. So you can pretty much have a foundation for summer and winter, which means no more of the dread makeup lines! Problem solved :)